Our Mission Is To FindHouse

Your Choice Properties is a privately owned property agent specialising in real estate,renovation and property management in Northern Cyprus.


Your Choice Properties are a well respected busıness with professional business ethics.Specialising in the provision of appraisals, project management, due diligence and solutions, Your Choice Properties is fast becoming a sought after consultancy for new and old business ventures , either already operating in or are ‘NEWCOMERS’ to Northern Cyprus.


Your Choice Properties is fast building an impressive reputation for service excellence and outstanding results, working in close partnership with its customers.


Take the right steps for the right investments with the Your Choice Properties

While investing in Northern Cyprus be it in real estate, tourism, health sector, retirement planning or any other sectors, risks that might lead to failures can be eliminated by a series of processes handled by patience and with the help of Your Choice Properties Consultancy.




Your Choice Properties


Global Marketing

Company formation

Design Management

Architectural Planning and Management

Real Estate Evaluation

Due Diligences

Financial Planning

Appraisal, survey and budget management

Direct and indirect cost analysis

Preparation of project masterplan, “investor’s 

Feasibility study

Investment planning and budgeting

Supervision and Project Management Services